Ebook God Hates You Hate Him Back Making Sense of The Bible Revised International Edition CJ Werleman 8601404773495 Books

Ebook God Hates You Hate Him Back Making Sense of The Bible Revised International Edition CJ Werleman 8601404773495 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 302 pages
  • Publisher Dangerous Little Books; Revised ed. edition (November 16, 2009)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 095642760X

God Hates You Hate Him Back Making Sense of The Bible Revised International Edition CJ Werleman 8601404773495 Books Reviews

  • It took me a while to get through this only because I am a slow reader but it was well worth the read. I learned a lot and totally enjoyed the author's humor. His overwhelmingly knowledge of the bible and all its mistakes, contradictions, and ludicrous stories is amazing. I totally recommend this book... it is well worth the cost and time invested.
  • A great guide to pointing out Biblical stupidity to the Bible thumpers you may know.
  • This book is outstanding, and the author has my sincerest respect and admiration for having written it. It presents the plain, unvarnished truth, the bare reality of what God is, what the Bible says, and the hatred both engender--not only in terms of intolerance for anyone who THINKS, but of women. How any woman could subscribe to Christianity in any form is tantamount to African Americans preaching the "benefits" of slavery and embracing the "fullness" of the worst forms of degradation that can be visited upon people.
    The book pulls no punches and cannot be faulted for it tells the truth. No sane, thinking person can do other than reach the same conclusions reached by the author. He asserts that the Bible is dangerous and proves it. This book should be mandatory reading for any civilised society or any that would like to be.
    A sincere and heartfelt thank you, Mr. Werleman.
  • I only disagree with the title of the book. How can you hate a god when no one has provided any evidence that it exists?
  • CJ Werleman uses his wit and humor to go over all sixty-six books or chapters of the bible.

    He uses a unique perspective to give you an honest explanation of each chapter. In a funny, irreverent kind of way it inspires you to question not only the veracity of the bible but its message. It also highlights a lot of eye-opening passages that should rock the foundation of any believer.

    1. Interesting
    2. Humorous
    3. Informative
    4. Irreverent tone
    5. Enlightening
    6. Inspirational

    1. No Table of Contents (kindle version)??
    2. The use of more lists would have been helpful

    In summary, it was a fun and informative read. I highly recommend it.
  • I agree with many of the other reviews, the author does make the bible more accessible while adding in some humor. But I don't give it 5 stars because it contains some simple errors. In one spot he should have said Sampson's name but instead refers to Solomon. In another spot he quotes John but when I cross referenced it to my bible I could not find the quote, and upon further searching I found the passage in Matthew! He doesn't even get the concept of the Immaculate Conception right. I read this book alongside a bible to cross reference it. I read books like this to further my knowledge so that I can adequately argue points that show the bible is flawed with a flawed message. If you were going to write a book to explain how flawed another book is, you should at least make sure yours is solid.
  • C J's critique of the bible is one of the best I have read to date, he gives a good coverage of all that is clearly wrong and egregious with this ancient tome. Shining the light of reason and 21st century knowledge upon the ignorance and barbaric religious practices of a rather insignificant agrarian tribe that began emerging from the land of Canaan in the 13th Century BCE. Ancient mans campfire tales of all powerful god's and demons thought to have ruled primitive mans very existence, were later written down by the firsts scribes as true historical facts; that were clearly embellished and grossly exaggerated in the retelling over the following centuries. The ancient tribe of the Israelite's had created an imaginary god-man called Yahweh; that was claimed to have proofed the entire universe into existence. the writers of the bible painted him as a angry violent murderous warlord god that hated mankind and all living things that he claims to have created. After reading C J's book, that exposes this god as an immoral hate fill character, and totally unrepresentative of evolved mankind; just know that he does not exist; go ahead and hate him right back, break the spell of the god virus and embrace reality.
  • ASINASIN product-title
    This is totally political incorrect because it shows the ugliness of the Christian religion. In each of chapters of the book the author pinpoints all the negative messages that every single book of the Bible contains. It clearly shows the ugliness contained in the Bible.

    The Book shows and affirms my belief that if we are to attain social and world peace, we have to discard all religions and design a new universal ethical code that takes in consideration our human nature. We have to take into account our true nature taking in consideration of sexes, race, culture, and sexual preferences.
    The book clearly demonstrates that the Bible was not written by God nor was inspire by God. The Bible is a collection of writings done by men seeking to deposit their believed history and laws of human subjugation based on fear of the unknown. Nowadays, 2,000 years later with the amassed knowledge base that we as society have it is no longer necessary to live by that old inhuman law. However there are certain areas that by logic, reason and nature have to be kept.

    The author, C.J. Werleman, have done a good job by analyzing the Bible chapter by chapter. However, only the ones willing to face the truth are going to be set free. Sadly the rest will continue in ignorance base in the negation of knowledge by calling nonsense, wisdom.

    Excellent book!
    Short and concise...


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